
Oct 21, 2011

Current cloud topology vs Self cloud topology

Central Server Mode

The current cloud system is a central server mode.
Every user has his/her own storage on the cloud server and upload to synchronize and share.
This is the main system topology of Dropbox, and iCloud.

It's the same with the former post office structures.

Distributed Server Mode

SelfCloud series have established a new topology with a distributed server mode.
Every user has his/her own cloud server at home and pushes the notifications to synchronize and share contents to the other devices(his/her own or others).
Then the devices notified connect to the master server(sharer) directly and pull out the contents only for them.

The main purpose of this topology is not to upload contents on the 3th party server.

My PC becomes a Dropbox, I can build a cloud and share it by my self on PC

WHY I made my PC as a Cloud Server?

Have you used Dropbox, iCloud or
Useful and easy to use and enjoy the cloud. However, have you ever worried that your private resource, for example your family picture will be stored on the 3rd party server you don’t own? Some of you might have given up sharing the files because of such concerns.
So I thought if my PC can be as my cloud server like Dropbox server device.

HOW I made my PC as a Dropbox?

With SelfCloud for PC software, my PC becomes as a web server on the internet.
My mobile devices, iPhone and Android become as a cloud clients with the mobile apps named SelfCloud for iPhone and Android. They were published on the Apple appstore and Android market.

My PC always works online at home and I can upload my phone contents onto my PC at anytime and anywhere, not on the third party devices.


I can also SHARE my clouds with friends!

My cloud makes all my private contents synchronized over all my devices at anywhare.
And also I can build a cloud to share with the closed friends or family. With this handiness, I can do the secret report to my boss at the remote space.
This is my OWN Dropbox, isn't it?

Main features

1. Build my own cloud server by myself

     With Dropbox or, I have to upload my personal contents onto the central storage server. It means my contents are not personal anymore.

     So I use SelfCloud, only installing makes my PC as my cloud server.
     It becomes as like as Dropbox service.
     Even iPhone or Android phones also can be a SelfCloud server, but maybe consume much battery and traffic.

     Anyone can have got his or her own cloud service at home or on hands so simply and quickly.

2. Synchronize my contents on all of my devices anywhere and anytime

     Once setting a server mode on a device with SelfCloud, I can see the same lists of contents and folders on any device I have.
     That's is the MyBox: it's my cloud space only for me.

     My friends also have their own cloud space, so I live in the individual and independent clouds.

     The contents synchronizing on my devices are only in my handles.
     Because they are staying on my devices only.

3. Share my clouds and contents with my friends only

  • Cloud share

     I share contents in the cloud box with friends.
     This is ShareBox, imputing any contents in it is just the share operation.

     I make some sharing cloud for the frequent delivering to such as my boss, my family or my team. The friends sharing my shared cloud can also imput or remove any contents and folders as like as his cloud.

  • One-One share

     I share some contents not with share box, but by selecting the special friends each time. Because I want some friends to see a set of contents and other friends to see the another set of contents.
This is One2One sharing.

     So I can assign every shared contents access permission

  • Facebook connection

     SelfCloud imports the friend lists from the facebook account, so any contents can share through the facebook.
     Clicking the link in the event in facebook downloads the contents from the sharer's device directly.

In the same space(LAN or Cell) contents are delivered directly like bluetooth.